PA Bible Teaching Fellowship

Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Questions and Responses - 2 | Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Greg Earle and Sam Pittenger

Other series teachings for Hebrews: Christ the True and Better

# Date Title Teacher
111/7/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Introduction Shawn Weir
211/14/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - The Superiority of the Son Sam Pittenger
311/28/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - The Son of Man Shawn Weir
412/5/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Better Believe It Sam Pittenger
512/12/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - We Have a Great High Priest Shawn Weir
612/19/23 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - The Maturing and the Regressing Shawn Weir
71/2/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - A Son Made Perfect Forever Shawn Weir
81/9/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - The Better Covenant Sam Pittenger
91/16/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Until the Time of Reformation Shawn Weir
101/23/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Once for All Sam Pittenger
111/30/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Draw Near, Don’t Shrink Back Shawn Weir
122/6/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Enduring Faith Shawn Weir
132/21/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - The Great Cloud of Witnesses Sam Pittenger
143/5/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Run with Endurance Shawn Weir
153/12/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Come to the Mountain and Make a Decision Shawn Weir
163/19/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Living Out Acceptable Worship Sam Pittenger
174/2/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Questions and Responses - 1 Greg Earle, Sam Pittenger, and Shawn Weir
184/9/24 Hebrews: Christ the True and Better - Questions and Responses - 2 Greg Earle and Sam Pittenger