PA Bible Teaching Fellowship
Reading Plan - Week of Feb 19, 2023

Reflection Hymn

In Mark 12, note Jesus' quote of Psalm 118 - "...the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." What is the primary point that Jesus is making in this parable? Compare this to the recent teaching in 1 Peter 2:4-10 - what other Old Testament records are referenced in this 1 Peter 2 section?

What lessons do we see in Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane? How can we grow in modeling our lives like his example? In what ways do we see Jesus making prayer a priority during his times of need?

Consider the wisdom that Christ showed in answering questions meant to entrap him. Think about what it would have looked like had he been carried away with "lesser matters" or "lesser questions." In what ways do we see his answers demonstrate what his mission and purpose was really about?

Reflecting on Peter's denial, in what ways do we see this similar to Judas' betrayal? In what important ways were these two men different in their response to Jesus' forgiveness?

Weekly Readings

Mon, Feb 20

Mark 12:1-44

Tue, Feb 21

Mark 13:1-37

Wed, Feb 22

Mark 14:1-31

Thu, Feb 23

Mark 14:32-72

Fri, Feb 24

Mark 15:1-47

Sat, Feb 25

Mark 16:1-20

Helpful Resources